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/ 10oz

Tasting Notes: nutty • rich • natural sweetness

Net weight: 10 oz.

Pair with: Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Noir

Product Reviews

Jennifer Carrasco Whitaker's Gravatar
Jennifer Carrasco Whitaker
(Mar 22, 2020 at 12:08 PM)
We visited Noisy Water Winery last week and since we bought three bottles of wine, we were able to pick a block of cheese for free. We picked the Asiago. I forgot I had it until right now but I quickly came to the website to order more. It is delicious! If you are a cheese lover then you must try this cheese. I normally buy a variety from Whole Foods or Central Market but this cheese will now be one we will order regularly. I don’t want to be without it especially during our quarantine. Thank you! #quarancheese

Angela Guy's Gravatar
Angela Guy
(Jul 29, 2022 at 1:52 PM)
Excellent flavor and texture… my fav Asiago. Highly recommend